

Export your discord chats in a few clicks.

CSV or html

Save them in local files.

Some solid facts

Let the numbers speak about us

Total downloads
Active Users
Paid Subscribers


Do you have some questions ? Find answers in our FAQ.

1. Do I need to share my Social Media credentials to use your tools?

No, sharing your social media login information is not required in order to use our tools.

2. Do you take Feature Requests?

Sure, we accept feature requests and other consumer suggestions to improve our tools based on user needs and preferences. If there is a tool you'd want to see, you can ask for it or offer a suggestion, and we could make it.

3. Do you have a Refund Policy?

We guarantee full refund within 7days of purchase.

4. How do I cancel my subscription?

Subscriptions can be canceled either through the extension itself or by sending an email to [email protected], and we'll take care of it for you.